Monday, October 26, 2009

And We Wait, And Wait...

So much for a response by Saturday. Not a peep from the other agent. F. tells us to remain calm, and I drink a healthy amount of wine with dinner to help me maintain my serenity, fall asleep on the Husband's shoulder while watching a movie from the couch.

AND NO WORD SUNDAY!!! F. has called and emailed, nothing from the other agent, but again she counsels calm, as the agent mentioned that the seller lived in Arizona, and was a bit difficult to contact. She insists we go to some open houses (which I'll write about later).

FINALLY - a phone call on Monday morning. Turns out the seller is a retired real estate attorney. Oy. The seller's agent asks how we came up with the number for our offer of $360K (research and consulting with two appraisers, that's how!) and that the seller wanted to know if we had intended to check the box (that was unchecked) on our offer that said we would pay $360K, no matter how the appraisal came back. F. informed him in no uncertain terms that no, if the appraisal came back lower, we would be negotiating. The agent asked if we would handle inspection, pest report, sewer lateral - yes, yes, yes. He tells us that he has Fed Exed our offer to the seller, and will get back to us as soon as possible, no later than the end of the week.

The end of the week???!!!! Time to get started on that ulcer...

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