Thursday, September 3, 2009

Diving In, Headfirst

The pest report comes back and is astoundingly low - just $3K. Realtor F. is very skeptical, but we decide to take the plunge. They want offers by September 1 at 4:00PM. The Husband and I ruminate - decide to offer $380K, and ask for closing costs back. That's $30K over the list price. How can they say no?

I try not to obsess, but walk the dogs past the house slooooooooowly, imagining the changes I would make before we even moved in. I go online and start pricing things like gas fireplace inserts and appliances. I plan where I will put the raised vegetable beds in the big backyard. But I try not to jinx the sale by always saying "IF we get the house," when speaking of it to others. No verbal jinxing allowed. Mentally, though, I'm jinxing it all over the place.

F. sends in our offer, and the seller's agent calls almost immediately to discuss. They speak for nearly a half hour, and the other agent says it is a good offer. I start picking out paint colors in my head.

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